Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

Dec 5, 2013 - Issue 11

New posts by Ansible creator Michael DeHaan - great reads:

OT: Idempotence, Convergence, and Other Silly Fancy Words We Use Too Often

Ansible’s Architecture: Beyond Configuration Management


Not sure how I missed this - just discovered the "Fan Community of Ansible"


Ansible and AWS Security Groups
by Dean Wilson

Yum Repository Bootstrapping in Ansible
by Matt Behrens

Building Custom CentOS 6.4 LiveCD with Ansible
by Gregory Shulov

Setting Up Time Machine and AFP Shares on Ubuntu with Ansible
by Gregory Shulov

Setting up XHProf/XHGui Profiling with Ansible
by Sander van Thillo

Installing Slurm on CentOS Using Ansible
by Peter van Heusden

Community Code

Ansible Playbook for Logstash and Friends
by Valentino Gagliardi

Ansible Rails Enterprise Provisioner
by Steven Haddox


Dec 12, Charlotte NC > Charlotte Python Meetup w/ Michael DeHaan

Feb 3-4, Gent Belgium > Config Management Camp

Upcoming in Ansible

Work on 1.5 "Love Walks In" release started.


"i think I might have just become an ansible guy. brb updating my linkedin profile"
-Thomas G. Willis (@thomasgwillis)

/ i think I might have just become an   \
| ansible guy. brb updating my linkedin |
\ profile                               /
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