Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

Feb 6, 2014 - Issue 18

From @ansible: Ansible was the GitHub project with the 5th most contributors in 2013! Thanks to all 415 of you who contributed!


Configuring Arista Switches with Ansible, Part 3 of 3
by Kirk Byers

Writing and Testing Custom Ansible Libraries
by Raphael Randschau

Community Code

Generate /etc/hosts from Ansible Inventory
by Justin Garrison

Vlad - The Vagrant LAMP Ansible Drupal development box
by Philip Norton


Ansible Roles & Inventories
by Vincent Van der Kussen (note: use all arrow keys to navigate)

Ansible. Why and How I Use It
by Ton Kersten

Upcoming in Ansible

For details on the 1.5 "Love Walks In" release, see the CHANGELOG.


North America

Feb 10, Boston, MA > Adventures with AWS, Ansible, and Vagrant

Feb 18, San Francisco, CA > Benchmarking, Autoscaling, Deployment Automation

Mar 6, Austin, TX > Ansible "Mini" Fest

Mar 12, Philadelphia, PA > Tools for Automating Modern Systems


Feb 10, London, UK > Docker & Ansible: The Path to Continuous Delivery

Feb 11, Dresden, Germany > Automation und Deployment

Feb 17, Brighton, UK > Vagrant and Ansible

Feb 27, Oslo, Norway > Responsible with Ansible

Feb 27, Lausanne, Switzerland > Ansible, FPM and Open-Space Talks

Mar 12, Exeter, UK > Using Ansible to Deploy Apps and Systems

March 18, Brighton, UK > Ansible Workshop: A hands-on session


Feb 11, Melbourne, Australia > Infracoders February Meetup

Feb 21, Sydney, Australia > Ansible - Your First Step into Server Provisioning


By mpdehaan

/ our cow testing goes through a udderly  \
| rigorous usability testing process that |
| costs literally millions of dollars in  |
| order to ascertain the enterprise       |
\ cowsay seal of approval                 /
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