Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

Feb 27, 2014 - Issue 21

(from Justin's talk slides)


The Why and How of Ansible and Docker
by Gerhard Lazu

New Ansible Integration Tests!
by Michael DeHaan

Network Config Templating Using Ansible, Part1
by Kirk Byers

Vagrant, Ansible and the Way to Automated Deployment
by Nguyen Tuan Quyen

New Ansible Book on LeanPub
by Jeff Geerling

My Thoughts on Ansible's Vault
by Jan-Piet Mens


Scale12x Ansible Slides
by Justin Garrison

Ansible: Your First Step into Server Provisioning
by Ben Turner


San Francisco Django - Automated Django Deployments with Ansible
by Matthew Makai (also includes lightning talk by Nate Aune)

From Ansible, Inc.

Ansible Brings Simple IT Automation to Amazon Web Services

Upcoming in Ansible

For details on the 1.5 "Love Walks In" release, see the CHANGELOG.


North America

Mar 6, Austin, TX > Ansible "Mini" Fest

Mar 12, Philadelphia, PA > Tools for Automating Modern Systems

March 20, Durham, NC > Ansible User Meetup

May 3,New Brunswick, NJ > Using Ansible to Fill the Gaps Left Over from Puppet and mCollective

May 21, Broomfield, CO > How Ansible Makes Automation Easy

May 21, Broomfield, CO > Why Docker + Ansible make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary


Feb 27, Oslo, Norway > Responsible with Ansible

Feb 27, Lausanne, Switzerland > Ansible, FPM and Open-Space Talks

Feb 27, Göteborg, Sweden > Get to Know Everyone

March 3, Bournemouth, UK > PHP Dorset March Meetup

March 6, Paris, France > Paris DevOps Meetup #23

March 12, Bergen, Norway > Responsible with Ansible

March 12, Dix's Field, UK > Using Ansible to deploy apps and systems

March 18, Brighton, UK > Ansible Workshop: A hands-on session


Feb 27, Brisbane > DoseMe Startup on AWS & Intro to Docker


Via Abhay Rana

/ Someday I'll use Vagrant+Docker+Ansible \
\ together and fix the universe.          /
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