Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

March 27, 2014 - Issue 25

Ansible Weekly reaches 1000 subscribers today. About 50% of subscribers are in the US. About 5% each for France, UK, Italy, and Germany. Then the rest of you lovely people are spread out across Africa, Australia, South America, and Asia.

Speaking of Germany, my wife and I just bought one-way tickets to Berlin for early May, so I'll be based in Europe for the next year at least. Hope to meet some of y'all out there!

Fun Read

Dune, as an Allegory for Windows and Linux, and Why we Have 37 Package Managers
by Michael DeHaan


Listen to your Servers Talk
by Michael DeHaan

Ansible for Application Smoketests
by Joseph Kordish

What if Ansible Run Hangs?
by Walid Shaari

Spot Instances with Ansible
by Ian Pointer

Network Config Templating using Ansible, Part 3
by Kirk Byers

Ansible for Networking
by Jason Edelman

Swiftacular – Deploy OpenStack Swift with Ansible
by Curtis

An Ansible Primer
by Nathan Duthoit

Using Vagrant & Ansible to Automate Your Dev Env – Part 3
by Nguyen Quyen

Managing CloudFormation Stacks with Ansible
by Dean Wilson


Ansible - Your First Step Into Server Provisioning
by Ben Turner

Insights into Ansible
by DevOps Africa

Ansible Updates

Accelerate improvements:

New Modules:

Other changes:

For details on the 1.6 "And the Cradle Will Rock" release, see the CHANGELOG.


North America

April 10, Raleigh, NC > TriLUG April 10 Meeting: Ansible

May 3, New Brunswick, NJ > Using Ansible to Fill the Gaps Left Over from Puppet and mCollective

May 20, New York, NY > AnsibleFest NYC 2014

May 21, Broomfield, CO > How Ansible Makes Automation Easy

May 21, Broomfield, CO > Why Docker + Ansible make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary

June 19, Reston, VA, > Ansible Configuration Management


May 22, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 26-27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible


April 15, Richmond > Apr 15 phpMelb: Vagrant and Ansible, Oauth, and a Quick Peek at PHP 5.6


Via TheMaxamillion

/ Need more @ansible in my life. Wish I \
| could use it at work. Time to go back |
| to the drawing board and plan a       |
\ moderately hostile take over. :)      /
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