Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

April 3, 2014 - Issue 26

Fun Read

Living with the GitHub Issue Tracker
by Michael DeHaan


Modelling Credentials Configuration in Ansible
by Will Thames

How to Write an Ansible Role for Ansible Galaxy
by Alex Wilson

Network Test Automation with Ansible
by Jason Edelman

Using Vagrant to Test Ansible Roles
by René Moser

Building VM Images with Ansible and Packer
by Jeff Geerling

Deployment of Symfony2 Applications with Ansible
by Pablo Godel

Ansible Fix Colon Syntax Error for sudoers File
by James W Thorne

Resolution of Ansible Issues on OS X Mavericks
by Sawant Shah

Community Code

Sovereign Users: Easy VPN setup now for iOS/Android
by Joshua Lund

From April Fools

Ansible Me a Sandwich
by Michael DeHaan

Ansible Updates

Ansible 1.5.4 Security Update
by Michael DeHaan

New Modules:

Other Changes:

For details on the 1.6 "And the Cradle Will Rock" release, see the CHANGELOG.


North America

April 10, Raleigh, NC > TriLUG April 10 Meeting: Ansible

April 10, Denver, CO > How to Manage your CentOS Infrastructure with Ansible

May 3, New Brunswick, NJ > Using Ansible to Fill the Gaps Left Over from Puppet and mCollective

May 9, Orem, UT > OpenWest 2014 Conference: Dominate your systems universe with Ansible

May 20, New York, NY > AnsibleFest NYC 2014

May 21, Broomfield, CO > How Ansible Makes Automation Easy

May 21, Broomfield, CO > Why Docker + Ansible make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary

June 19, Reston, VA, > Ansible Configuration Management


April 11, Montreal > Ansible - Python-Powered Radically Simple IT Automation

April 12, Montreal > Upgrade your Web Development Toolchain


May 22, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 26-27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible


April 15, Richmond > Vagrant and Ansible, Oauth, and a Quick Peek at PHP 5.6


Via Square Cloud

/ Got my #ansible script running like a  \
| dream today. I was about to document   |
| some post install steps and thought... |
\ no Ansible can do that too!            /
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