April 17, 2014 - Issue 28
From Ansible, Inc.
Confessions of a Full Stack DevOp
by Michael DeHaan
Move Fast and Don’t Break Things! Testing with Jenkins, Ansible and Docker
by mist.io
Local Provisioning with Ansible
by Craig Marvelley
Introduction to Ansible and SAN Configuration Automation
by Matt Oswalt
Self Registering Jenkins Hosts with Docker and Ansible
by Jyrki Puttonen
Custom Module in Ansible Using PHP
by Appasaheb Sawant
Open Sourcing our Ansible Roles – Part 1
by Ed Epstein
Service Delivery Assembly Line with Vagrant, Packer, and Ansible
by Joe Dickman
Ansible - Python-Powered Radically Simple IT Automation
by Michael DeHaan
Triangle Linux Users Group - Ansible
by Joseph Tate
Ansible Updates
Security-related fix for users of the apt_repository
module when used with private repos.
For details on the 1.6 "And the Cradle Will Rock" release, see the CHANGELOG.
Ansible, Inc.
April 29, Official Online Training > Introduction to Ansible
May 20, New York, NY > AnsibleFest NYC 2014
North America
April 23, Hamilton, ON > CoderCamp Hamilton 19
May 3, New Brunswick, NJ > Using Ansible to Fill the Gaps Left Over from Puppet and mCollective
May 9, Orem, UT > OpenWest 2014 Conference: Dominate Your Systems Universe with Ansible
May 19, New York, NY > Achieving Zero Downtime Rolling Updates with Ansible
May 21, Broomfield, CO > How Ansible Makes Automation Easy
May 21, Broomfield, CO > Why Docker + Ansible make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary
June 19, Reston, VA, > Ansible Configuration Management
April 26, Moscow, Russia > CM Systems Fight
April 29, Berlin, Germany > Berlin DevOps 2014-04
May 22, Madrid, Spain > Charla de Mayo 2014: "Introducción a Ansible"
May 22, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure
June 26-27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure
June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible
April 20, Bangalore, India > CM April Meetup
Via Luis Conejo
/ "Automation shouldn't be your day job" \
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