Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

May 7, 2014 - Issue 31

Ansible 1.6 released! "New module additions, including many new additions for Amazon, Rackspace, and Digital Ocean. These are complemented by tons more including CPAN, Portage, Homebrew Taps and Casks, Rollbar, Librato, Nexmo, Twilio, and Slack."

See the full release announcement...


Cowsay and Ansible
by Michael Heap (includes using random cows - cool!)

Backup your Bluehost Server Remotely with Ansible
by Juan Carlos Alonso

Manage Bind and Zone Files using Ansible
by René Moser


Ansible Online Training from Apr 29 (~3 hours. Starts ~3 min in.)
by Ansible Inc.

Community Code

OSXC: Config Tool for OSX in Ansible
by Robin Ricard

Ansible Vagrant profile for Gogs (self hosted git service in Go)
by Jeff Geerling (see also his comment on it)

Phansible: Generate Playbooks for PHP Projects
by Erika Heidi, Fábio da Silva Ribeiro, and friends

Junos Networking Modules
by Jeremy Schulman

Playbooks for Ceph (distributed file system)
by Ceph

CKAN (data collection manager) Playbook
by Ben Jeffrey

Ansible Updates

Ansible 1.6 released. To see the long list of features, fixes, etc, see the CHANGELOG.


Ansible, Inc.

May 20, New York, NY > AnsibleFest NYC 2014

North America

May 8, Seattle, WA > Using Ansible for System Administration Tasks

May 9, Orem, UT > OpenWest: Dominate Your Systems Universe with Ansible

May 19, New York, NY > Achieving Zero Downtime Rolling Updates with Ansible

May 21, Broomfield, CO > How Ansible Makes Automation Easy

May 21, Broomfield, CO > Why Docker + Ansible make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary

May 22, Durham, NC > TriPython: Ansible

May 29-30, Pittsburgh, PA > DevOpsDays Pittsburgh n'at!

June 3, Seattle, WA > Lightning Talks - Ansible + GCE Demo

June 19, Reston, VA, > Ansible Configuration Management


May 16, Verona, Italy > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

May 22, Madrid, Spain > Charla de Mayo 2014: "Introducción a Ansible"

June 26, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible


Via @ansible

/ We have automated everything, including \
\ @laserllama                             /
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