Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

May 22, 2014 - Issue 33

AnsibleFest NYC 2014

Super talks from the fest this week - special thanks to those who posted slides, videos, articles so those who couldn't make it this time can still benefit!

AnsibleFest Warm-Up

Ansible Text Message Notifications with Twilio SMS
by Matt Makai (slides)

Video: How Twitter Uses Ansible
by Steve Salevan (41 min)

Slides: Ansible and Google Cloud Platform
by Eric Johnson

Slides: How edX Uses Ansible
by John Jarvis

Slides: Monitor-Driven Development Using Ansible
by Itamar Hassin

Slides: Docker and Ansible
by Patrick Galbraith

Slides: Ransack, an Application Built on Ansible's API for Rackspace
by Paul Durivage

Ansible Unveils Ansible Tower 2.0 at AnsibleFest NYC 2014
by Rob Marvin

AnsibleFest: Ransack, a Rackspace App Built on the Ansible API
by Rob Marvin


Multistage Environments with Ansible
by Ross Tuck

Vagrant and Ansible on Windows Hosts
by Jaime Metcher


Gluecon: How Ansible Makes Automation Easy
by Peter Sankauskas

Ansible + Docker Make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary
by John Minnihan

Hostnames Suck, or Managing EC2 Servers with Ansible
by Lorin Hochstein


Updated: Ansible Quick Start Video
by Ansible, Inc. (36 min)

Bootstrapping a Server with Ansible
by Ciaran Downey (21 min)

DEMO: Using Ansible for Network Automation
by Jason Edelman (9 min)

Taming OpenStack with Ansible
by John Dewey (36 min)

Ansible Updates

1.7 "Summer Nights" - Active Development

Ansible 1.6 recently released. To see the full list of features, fixes, etc, see the CHANGELOG.


North America

May 22, Durham, NC > TriPython: Ansible

May 28, Austin, TX > Discuss Ansible

May 29-30, Pittsburgh, PA > DevOpsDays Pittsburgh n'at!

June 3, Seattle, WA > Lightning Talks - Ansible + GCE Demo

June 3, Saint Louis, MO > James Cammarata on Ansible

June 5, Austin, TX > Ansible for Drupal Deployment Victory!

June 19, Reston, VA, > Ansible Configuration Management


June 10, Amersfoort, Netherlands > PHPAmersfoort June 2014 Meetup

June 19, Lausanne, Switzerland > René Moser on Ansible

June 26, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible


Via sdotsen

/ Replaced homegrown bash scripts with    \
| #ansible. Goodbye 15 min deploys, hello |
\ one minute of awesomeness.              /
         \   ^__^ 
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