May 22, 2014 - Issue 33
AnsibleFest NYC 2014
Super talks from the fest this week - special thanks to those who posted slides, videos, articles so those who couldn't make it this time can still benefit!
Ansible Text Message Notifications with Twilio SMS
by Matt Makai (slides)
Video: How Twitter Uses Ansible
by Steve Salevan (41 min)
Slides: Ansible and Google Cloud Platform
by Eric Johnson
Slides: How edX Uses Ansible
by John Jarvis
Slides: Monitor-Driven Development Using Ansible
by Itamar Hassin
Slides: Docker and Ansible
by Patrick Galbraith
Slides: Ransack, an Application Built on Ansible's API for Rackspace
by Paul Durivage
Ansible Unveils Ansible Tower 2.0 at AnsibleFest NYC 2014
by Rob Marvin
AnsibleFest: Ransack, a Rackspace App Built on the Ansible API
by Rob Marvin
Multistage Environments with Ansible
by Ross Tuck
Vagrant and Ansible on Windows Hosts
by Jaime Metcher
Gluecon: How Ansible Makes Automation Easy
by Peter Sankauskas
Ansible + Docker Make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary
by John Minnihan
Hostnames Suck, or Managing EC2 Servers with Ansible
by Lorin Hochstein
Updated: Ansible Quick Start Video
by Ansible, Inc. (36 min)
Bootstrapping a Server with Ansible
by Ciaran Downey (21 min)
DEMO: Using Ansible for Network Automation
by Jason Edelman (9 min)
Taming OpenStack with Ansible
by John Dewey (36 min)
Ansible Updates
1.7 "Summer Nights" - Active Development
Ansible 1.6 recently released. To see the full list of features, fixes, etc, see the CHANGELOG.
North America
May 22, Durham, NC > TriPython: Ansible
May 28, Austin, TX > Discuss Ansible
May 29-30, Pittsburgh, PA > DevOpsDays Pittsburgh n'at!
June 3, Seattle, WA > Lightning Talks - Ansible + GCE Demo
June 3, Saint Louis, MO > James Cammarata on Ansible
June 5, Austin, TX > Ansible for Drupal Deployment Victory!
June 19, Reston, VA, > Ansible Configuration Management
June 10, Amersfoort, Netherlands > PHPAmersfoort June 2014 Meetup
June 19, Lausanne, Switzerland > René Moser on Ansible
June 26, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure
June 27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure
June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible
Via sdotsen
/ Replaced homegrown bash scripts with \
| #ansible. Goodbye 15 min deploys, hello |
\ one minute of awesomeness. /
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