Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

June 12, 2014 - Issue 36


SSH Key Rotation with Ansible
by Jesse Keating

Human-Readable Ansible Playbook Log Output Using Callback Plugin
by Cliffano Subagio

Giving a Monkey a Loaded Gun
by Jason Edelman

Deploying a Consul Cluster in a VPC
by Matt Wright

Playgrounds with Vagrant and Ansible
by Jakob Westhoff

Bare Metal Hadoop Provisioning with Ansible and Cobbler
by GoDataDriven


Ansible - Crash course
by Simone Soldateschi


DevOps for Humans: Ansible for Drupal Deployment Victory!
by Jeff Geerling (56 min)

Using Docker & Ansible by John Minnihan @Gluecon 2014
by Alan Shimel (32 min)

Simpler Re-Usable Juju Charms with Ansible
by Michael Nelson (42 min)

Fun Read

Docker Misconceptions
by Matt Jaynes
(you may have already seen this before - here it is in blog form)

Ansible Updates

1.7 "Summer Nights" New Modules:

1.6.3 "And the Cradle Will Rock":

For more details, see the CHANGELOG.


Ansible, Inc.

June 24-26, Santa Clara, CA > Ansible Booth at O'Reilly Velocity

June 26, Online > Intro to Ansible Online Training

June 27-28, Mountain View, CA > Ansible at DevOps Days Silicon Valley

July 20-24, Portland, OR > Ansible @ OSCON 2014

North America

July 9, Seattle, WA > Lightning Talks - Ansible 101 The Basics

July 14, Grand Rapids, MI > Intro to Ansible

July 16, Mountain View, CA > Automating the Public Cloud Layer

June 18, New York, NY > Ansible at Lyrasis Digital

June 19, Reston, VA, > Ansible Configuration Management

June 25, Austin, TX > Ansible MeetUp


June 17, Birmingham, UK > Server Automation

June 19, Lausanne, Switzerland > Ansible - The Simple IT Automation Tool

June 26, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible

July 2, Cardiff, UK > DevOps Meetup - Puppet Vs Chef Vs Ansible


June 19, Johannesburg, South Africa > Introduction to GoCD (feat. Ansible)


Via @ansible

/ @edXOnline started out with *other*    \
| tools, but moved to Ansible for        |
| simplicity and 1 tool for code updates |
\ and config                             /
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