Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

June 26, 2014 - Issue 38

Ansible Inc.

Windows is Coming
by Michael DeHaan

Windows is Coming to Ansible


Ansible Network Automation
by Tyler Christiansen

Dotfiles and Dev Tools Provisioned by Ansible
by Alex Palcuie

Provisioning IaaS Clouds with Dynamic Ansible Inventories and OpenStack Metadata
by Lukas Pustina

Get Colorful Ansible Output in Jenkins
by Major Hayden

Testing your Ansible Playbook with Semaphore
by Nick Hammond

Using Ansible to Build Docker Images
by Patrick Galbraith

Immutable Infrastructure with Ansible and Packer
by Florian Motlik

Setting up a Multi-Node Mesos Cluster running Docker, HAProxy and Marathon with Ansible
by Michael Hamrah

A Simple Rollback Strategy for Roles and Playbooks
by Valentino Gagliardi

For Beginners

Ansible: Simple yet Powerful Automation
by Daniel Schneller

Learning to Deploy Servers with Ansible
by Chris Saunders


Ansible: How to Get More Sleep and Require Less Coffee
by Sarah Zelechoski

Ansible Training
by Will Thames (note: also requires using up/down keys to navigate)


Ansible and Network Automation
by ClassC Block (1h 12min)

Ansible Updates

Security updates 1.6.4 and 1.6.5 related to evaluation of untrusted remote inputs.

1.7 "Summer Nights" - Active Development

Major new features:

For more details, see the CHANGELOG.


Ansible, Inc.

June 27-28, Mountain View, CA > Ansible at DevOps Days Silicon Valley

July 20-24, Portland, OR > Ansible @ OSCON 2014

October 2014, San Francisco, CA > AnsibleFest 2014 San Francisco

North America

July 9, Seattle, WA > Lightning Talks - Ansible 101 The Basics

July 9, New York, NY > First Ansible NYC Meetup

July 14, Grand Rapids, MI > Intro to Ansible

July 16, Mountain View, CA > Automating the Public Cloud Layer


June 27, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible: Orchestrate your Infrastructure

June 30, Cologne, Germany > Virtuelle Umgebungen mit Vagrant, Docker und Ansible

July 2, Cardiff, UK > DevOps Meetup - Puppet Vs Chef Vs Ansible

July 10, Sheffield City, UK > Implementing Ansible


July 9, Manila, Philippines > AWS User Group July Meet-up

July 20, Mumbai, India > July MTP: DevOps Special


July 1, Melbourne, Australia > Something something Agile / Ansible something (TBC)


Via Trond Hindenes

/ Ansible on Windows. This just made my \
\ day.                                  /
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