Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

July 10, 2014 - Issue 40

From Ansible Inc

Hey Ansible users: got a few moments to fill out a survey? We love your feedback.


Ansible Performance Tuning (for Fun and Profit)
by Michael DeHaan

Provisioning Handheld GPSs with Ansible
by Koert van der Veer

Ansible <3 Windows #1: The Background and the Setup
by Trond Hindenes

Are Docker Users Migrating to Ansible and Away from Puppet and Chef?
by Chris Dawson

Ansible Rapid Development Environment using Vagrant
by Will Dennis

Ansible Playbook Validations


DevOps for Humans - Ansible presentation at DrupalCon Austin
by Jeff Geerling (56 min)

Ansible Updates

1.7 "Summer Nights" - Active Development

For more details, see the CHANGELOG.


Ansible, Inc.

July 20-24, Portland, OR > Ansible @ OSCON 2014

October 2014, San Francisco, CA > AnsibleFest 2014 San Francisco


July 12, ONLINE MeetUp > Hands-On Training: Successful Ansible

North America

July 14, Grand Rapids, MI > Intro to Ansible

July 16, Mountain View, CA > Automating the Public Cloud Layer

July 16, Arlington, VA > Amazon Web Services Deployments at TrackMaven

July 23, San Francisco, CA > Continuous Deployment with Ansible

July 30, Austin, TX > Ansible Meetup

August 7, Irvine, CA > All about Fabric and Ansible


July 10, Sheffield City, UK > Implementing Ansible


July 20, Mumbai, India > July MTP: DevOps Special

July 27, Mumbai, India > July MTP : DevOps Special


July 11, Melbourne, Australia > A Lean Approach to Server Provisioning


Via Sarah Zelechoski

/ wait. why are we backing up the VMs? we \
| can deploy a new node in sub-5min with  |
\ ansible.                                /
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