Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

July 31, 2014 - Issue 43


Ansible or: How I Learned to Stop Wasting Time Setting Up my Computer and Script it
by Joseph Kahn

Thoughts on Deploying with Ansible
by Ramon de la Fuente

Build a Multi-server LEMP Stack using Ansible
by Daniel Watrous

Create an Ansible Module and then use Module Provided 'Facts'
by Dong Guo


Kirk Byers on Network Automation with Python & Ansible
by Ethan Banks (1hr 12min)


Ansible: Automate all the Things
by Kaji Bikash

DevOps: A brief introduction to Vagrant & Ansible
by Lemaire Arnaud


Normad PHP Lightning Talks: Ansible Project Deploy
by Ramon de la Fuente (10 min)

Ansible Updates

1.7 "Summer Nights" - Active Development

For more details, see the CHANGELOG.


Ansible, Inc.

October 14, San Francisco, CA > AnsibleFest 2014 San Francisco


August 7 > Ansible Hands-On Training

North America

July 31, Chattanooga, TN > Set up an Immutable Server in 10 Minutes Using Ansible

August 7, Irvine, CA > All about Fabric and Ansible

August 7, New York, NY > A Pinch of Salt: Configuration Management & Automated Deployment Tools @ Google

August 7, Seattle, WA > How Twitter uses Ansible

August 12, San Francisco, CA > AdvancedAWS: August Meetup


September 11, London, UK > Inaugural London Ansible Meetup

October 14, Zagreb, Croatia > WebCamp Zagreb 2014: Ansible, just orchestrate it

November 10–12, Mannheim, Germany > Continuous Lifecycle 2014: Automatisieren mit Ansible


Via Said Ziouani

/ Both 'Dancing with the Stars and        \
| 'American Idol are powered by @Ansible. |
\ who knew ?!                             /
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