Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

August 7, 2014 - Issue 44

Required video to watch for the upcoming 1.8 version of Ansible titled "Everybody Wants Some". Just substitute servers for the hamburger meat and it'll all make sense ;-)


Ansible - Some Random Useful Things
by David Goodwin

Ansible Syntax Highlighting for Sublime
by Jamie Lawrence

Contributing to Ansible is Super Easy
by Rohit Gupta

Moving Away from Puppet: SaltStack or Ansible? (also see the discussion with Michael DeHaan)
by Ryan D Lane

Using Ansible Tags with Vagrant Provision
by Michael Day

Fun Read

AWS Speed Test: What are the Fastest EC2 and S3 Regions?
by Alex Zhitnitsky

I was DevOps before it was Cool
by Jonathan Frappier


Deploying NodeJS with Ansible
by Ross Kukulinski (44 min)

Ansible Updates

1.8 "Everybody Wants Some" - Active Development

Ansible 1.7 is Released - Windows Beta and More!
by Michael DeHaan

1.7 "Summer Nights" Security fixes:

1.6.10 "And the Cradle Will Rock":

1.6.9 "And the Cradle Will Rock":

For more details, see the CHANGELOG.

From Ansible Inc

Are you using Ansible+Docker together? If so, help us out with some survey info and we'd greatly appreciate it!


Ansible, Inc.

October 14, San Francisco, CA > AnsibleFest 2014 San Francisco

North America

August 7, Irvine, CA > All about Fabric and Ansible

August 7, New York, NY > A Pinch of Salt: Configuration Management & Automated Deployment Tools @ Google

August 7, Seattle, WA > How Twitter uses Ansible

August 12, San Francisco, CA > AdvancedAWS: August Meetup

August 12, El Segundo, CA > L.A. Cloud Engineeering Group Monthly Meetup

August 22, Orlando, FL > Day Camp 4 Developers: Virtualizing Development

August 27, Austin, TX > Ansible Meetup

September 18, Chicago, IL > DevOps and Continuous Delivery: Monitor-driven infrastructure Development using Ansible

October 1, Poughkeepsie, NY > Ansible


September 11, London, UK > Inaugural London Ansible Meetup

October 14, Zagreb, Croatia > WebCamp Zagreb 2014: Ansible, just orchestrate it

November 10–12, Mannheim, Germany > Continuous Lifecycle 2014: Automatisieren mit Ansible

Personal Note

Ansible Weekly is now coming to you from Cork, Ireland. I just moved here this week and will be here for a few months. Beautiful little town and the weather is nice and cool even in August.

Berlin was a great place to be the last few months - especially with the World Cup going on. Was an insane all night celebration after the win with fireworks, crowds in the streets, all cars honking, for hours and hours - quite a sight.

If you happen to be in Cork, drop me a line :)



Via Cees-Jan Kiewiet

/ It's happening, ansible is doing it's    \
| job and I only have to press enter twice |
| to route all traffic to the new cluster  |
\ <3                                       /
         \   ^__^ 
          \  (oo)\_______
             (__)\       )\/\
                 ||----w |
                 ||     ||