Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

August 14, 2014 - Issue 45


Building Docker Images with Ansible
by Victor Lin

Configuring a Multistage Environment with Ansible and Vagrant
by Erika Heidi

For Beginners

Play with Ansible with OSX and Vagrant
by Ahmet Yeşil


Testing with Docker, Ansible and Jenkins


Ansible and Google Compute Engine
by Eric Johnson, Brian Dorsey, and Michael DeHaan (~6 min)

Ansible Hands-On Training
by Glen Jarvis (1h 55 min)

Orchestration with Ansible at Fedora Project
by Aditya Patawari (~53 min)

Ansible Updates

1.8 "Everybody Wants Some"

New core features:

New Modules:

Some other notable changes:

And various other bug fixes and improvements ...

For more details, see the CHANGELOG.


Ansible, Inc.

October 14, San Francisco, CA > AnsibleFest 2014 San Francisco

North America

August 22, Orlando, FL > Day Camp 4 Developers: Virtualizing Development

August 27, Austin, TX > Ansible Meetup

September 2, Portland, OR > Development with Ansible and VMs

September 14, Wellington, New Zealand > Deploying test and production systems with Ansible

September 16, New York, NY > Ansible workshop

September 18, Chicago, IL > DevOps and Continuous Delivery: Monitor-driven infrastructure Development using Ansible

October 1, Poughkeepsie, NY > Ansible


August 18, Leeds, UK > Leeds PHP: Michael Heap on Vagrant and Ansible

September 8, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible Amsterdam: Getting acquainted

September 11, London, UK > Inaugural London Ansible Meetup

October 14, Zagreb, Croatia > WebCamp Zagreb 2014: Ansible, just orchestrate it

November 10–12, Mannheim, Germany > Continuous Lifecycle 2014: Automatisieren mit Ansible


Via Matt Brender

/ Ansible, you're my hero this morning.   \
| In one command I'm able to chmod a file |
\ I forgot to on 45 hosts.                /
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