Ansible Weekly: Borg Cow says: You will be assimooolated.

August 28, 2014 - Issue 47


Ansible & Windows - Basic set up
by Damon Overboe

Leveraging Cisco NX-API with Ansible to Make Your Life Easier
by Jason Edelman

Connecting AWS Autoscaling to Ansible Tower
by DualSpark

Generating Passwords in Ansible with Complex Loops
by Stephen Rees-Carter

Jinja2 for Better Ansible Playbooks and Templates
by Daniel Schneller

For Beginners

An Ansible Tutorial
by Chris Fidao

Fun Read

Taste Test - Ansible, Salt, Puppet, Chef
by Damon Overboe

YAML Formatting Best Practices - Tasks with Many Params
by Jeff Geerling (great discussion, and I have to agree with Jeff that multi-line params are better for readability and version control)


Advanced Ansible Action Modules for Fun And Profit
by Henry Finucane

Drone your Ansible
by Dennis Rowe

Portable Development Environments with Vagrant and Ansible
by Erika Heidi


Ansible & Docker Make Chef & Puppet Unnecessary
by John Minnihan (32 min)

Ansible Updates

1.8 "Everybody Wants Some" - Active Deployment

Notable changes:

For more details, see the CHANGELOG.


Ansible, Inc.

October 14, San Francisco, CA > AnsibleFest 2014 San Francisco

On-Line Events

September 22, On-Line Webinar > Cumulus Networks + Ansible Webinar

North America

September 2, Portland, OR > Development with Ansible and VMs

September 8, Austin, TX > Ansible Tech Talk & QA Perspective on DevOps Panel

September 16, New York, NY > Ansible workshop

September 18, Chicago, IL > DevOps and Continuous Delivery: Monitor-driven infrastructure Development using Ansible

September 25, Durham, NC > TriPython September 2014 Meeting: Ansible

October 1, Poughkeepsie, NY > Ansible


September 8, Amsterdam, Netherlands > Ansible Amsterdam: Getting acquainted

September 11, London, UK > Inaugural London Ansible Meetup

September 16, Paris, France > Premier Meetup Ansible-Paris / First Ansible-Paris Meetup

October 4-5, Zagreb, Croatia > WebCamp Zagreb 2014: Ansible, just orchestrate it

October 25, Helsinki, Finland > 3rd OpenStackFin User Group meetup

November 10–12, Mannheim, Germany > Continuous Lifecycle 2014: Automatisieren mit Ansible

East Asia

September 22, Tokyo, Japan > Ansible Meetup

New Zealand

September 12–14, Wellington, New Zealand > Kiwi PyCon 2014: Deploying test and production systems with Ansible


Via dfed

/ Agents are the path to the dark side.   \
| Agents lead to anger. Anger leads to    |
\ hate. Hate leads to suffering. @ansible /
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